Excuse me, please...

I know, I've not been writing since a couple of days. I've got a good reason for it. Guess what? I'm working on a short story nearly after an year and it's taking away much of my time. And I'm not writing much 'coz I'm saving words for the story. Now, does that sound funny? Maybe. But it's a fact. My vocabulary is something so very meagre and I don't want to use up all words in my head for anything else right now. Hope I'll be able to give the finishing touch to the story by today and I'll soon put it up in my other blog. So till then, excuse me please!

But here's the chance for you to take a peek into my other blogs. I do maintain a variety of them. Here are the links -

1. Creative writing (Poems & Short stories) @ Just Gibberish...
2. Photography @ My Photoblog
3. Listen to me sing @ Ekan Learns To Sing...
4. Travel writing @ Where The Roads Take Me...

Your responses to my attempts matter a lot to me. Looking forward to meet you all in my other blogs too!


Gloria said…
Ekanthapadhikan, so looking forward to that story and yes, I well know what you mean by saving your words.

Thank you for the kind and supportive words you left for me on my blog. Someone was very unkind to me but today I feel so much better.

Love your singing . . so calming . . way to go!!!

Back again soon friend :)
Betty Manousos said…
Looking forward to reading your story:)

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