My Fist Blog Award

First and foremost let me apologize for not attending to this for the past few days. I have my own explanations for it.

Ah! This is a feeling that can never be compared. An AWARD for my bolg! I'm over the top for this wonderful recognition and I very much thank Steven Anthony @  No Excuse, No Explanation... for giving me this award. In his words - "Ekanthapadhikan over at The truth about me self. This guy is truly amazing. He writes, sings and acts..and does it all beautifully". Never felt so recognised before. And to say a bit about Steven, he's my first blog mate and frankly, I don't remember how we came across each other. He's a Cook, a Writer who writes about different things from his traumatic childhood to erotic or funny things and also someone with a very critical fetish for foot. Now, did you hear that last one right? Yes FOOT and not food or anything else. You must pay a visit to his blogs (Man Dish, No Excuse, No Explanation..., and Walk This Way) to know him better. Just click on those blog names and you'll reach his home...


And now the difficult part of receiving this award - The rule says that I need to give this award to 15 other bloggers. Now, this sounds very difficult a task for me 'coz I follow more than 15 bloggers very regularly and can't say one is better than the other. I mean, people write about different things - sometimes personal life, poems, short story, funny incidents etc. etc. etc. How am I going to pick 15 from the 50 + bloggers that I follow? But a Rule is a Rule (something that I don't really care for) and I'm obliged to follow it at least this one time 'coz I know how someone would feel happy to be recognised in such a manner and I'm going to pick them in random. And this is my chance to bring a smile to at least 15 other people in this world. And if you've already got this award, please excuse me. And there's nothing wrong in getting it a second or third time, isn't it? It only means that you're all worth it. And I avoid Steven from my awarding list 'coz it makes no sense to give him back an award that he gave me.

So here I go:

Supah Mommy @ Adventures of a Wanna-Be SupahMommy - This awesome lady has redefined the blogging world. Besides her bone tickling posts that'd never fail to give you the laugh of your day, she also use her blog space for a hundred other things. I admire this lady for the way she lives her life in a wholesome manner.

Kelly Muys Wood @ Tearing up houses - This is another lady who is a land lord who became a blogger. I mean, that's the best way to define her. Apart from her few personal life incidents, she almost always gives us an insight into the life of a land lord and a tenant. Following her blog gives you better ideas of how to be a good land lord or a tenant. I find this very useful.

Kaiserin Sisi @ RAMBLINGS OF A HOTELIER'S WIFE - Her every one post is different from the other. She talks about weekend trips to exotic places, about going for parties etc. etc. etc. But frankly, I give her this award for her one post that made my day when I was feeling too down. This is the one in which she posted the video of a Malaysian singer and the song and the rendition was simply heart warming. I visited and re-visited this post a hundred times since she posted it. You can just click on the link and find out why I had to give her this award for that one single post. Thank you, for introducing me to such a lovely song.

She Poet @ She Poet - She expresses her thoughts in verse and I haven't seen much people doing it so well.

Fireblossom @ Word Garden - I've too little words to talk about this writer who word-sculpts poetry. She has never failed to amaze me since I started following her blog. I'd rather call her a Word Sculptor than Fireblossom.

Betty Manousos @ CUT AND DRY - She's been getting one Award after another for the past few days and all for the right reasons. I mean, she deserves it for the kind of things she share with us. And here's one more for you, Betty. I know you already got this award. But I couldn't ignore you from this list.

Kim @ Thinking out Loud - She's a prolific writer and in her own words - she's an "Aspiring writer, avid reader, definite Francophile, wanna-be photographer, animal lover, and a serious night owl!". And she means all that she claims to be, honestly!

Extremity @ EXTREMITY - She's another one of my very favourite poetess for more than one reason. That she's a Muse of some specific quality is undeniable. Her poems are rather short but very expressive in imagery and are pregnant with many thoughts that any young girl can relate to. Also she's someone who's close to home and I can relate to her thoughts in a way that makes me feel closer to my land.

Gloria @ GLORIA'S SPANISH VIEW - Now, she's someone who takes her dogs out for a swim in a lake and call it their swimming pool. I mention this about her 'coz that's the first thing that comes to my mind and that simple action talks volume of what she is - someone's who's loving, caring and someone who takes interest in the simpler and much subtle things in life. Her blog reflects exactly what she's. It's worth visiting.

Matthew @ AbodeOneThree - Now, here's a man who has got a natural flair for writing things in a very descriptive style. And believe me, he's a natural story teller and it's always a pleasure and a good read every time you visit his posts. You wouldn't miss your novels lying in your shelf if you can regularly visit his blog.

Azaad @ INFINITE EMOTIONS... - Ah! Another aspiring writer from my own country. If the other girl was natural with verse, this one is as natural with the prose style. She has her own style of story telling that keeps you gripped. Not that every one of her post is a story per say. She also experiments with poetry and other styles of writing.

Brian Miller @ waystationone - Here's another one of my few male followers. And I really don't have words to mention what his blog is. But the man, writes his stories, real life ones and others in a style so lucid and free of any 'stumbling blocks' that you get addicted to his posts. Also he's the only male Poet I've come across in this blogging world so far. If you add him in your 'Blogs I Follow Tab', I'm sure you'd keep an eye open for every post in his blog.

DannyD @ Signifying Nothing: My Stories - And this is a young chap who's doing a great job through his blog. He writes about contemporary news in the web world. Agreed that his posts might appear a bit dry for most of the readers but believe me, he has got a wealth of knowledge in his chosen field and he's good enough to share it all with us. But the 'dryness" is just to do with the subject he deals with as you know how difficult it is to spice up technical news. But I'm sure, one look at his blog will make you appreciate this this guy's efforts and hence this award for him.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND @ ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Yet another one of my favourite blogger. She writes poetry, shares pics. of her cats and what more? Makes your day feel good with her every post.

Eva Gallant @  Wrestling with Retirement - Now, she's someone I admire the most in this blogging world. Wonder why? 'coz I've never seen someone taking life the way she do in her age. She's humerous, serious and her blog is a catalogue of many nostalgia that she holds close to her heart. "Hat's off" is the least I can say to her at this occasion.

Now, let me take the levity to hand over this award to two more persons I love to follow and has ever been doing so. You can visit their blogs and find out why I couldn't resist giving out this award to these two.

Cathy Clementz @ YOOPER YARNS    &    Vodkamom @ VODKAMOM

And I know, considering the nature of this award, that many of you might have got this award already. But when I was asked to give out this award to 15 other people I couldn't resist making use of this opportunity to tell each of you how much I love you all and how glad that I'm in such good company.

Last but not the least, kindly excuse me if I've missed someone in this. As I told you, this was a mighty task for me 'coz 15 is not a number for me to share my happiness with. There are other bloggers I follow religiously and love to read each and every of their posts.

Once again, Thank You Steven and Thank You all for giving me the encouragement through your many comments on my posts. My life has really changed ever since I befriended you all.


And a bit of blowing my own trumpet quite aloud from my side. These are also the reasons why I got this award -

Just Gibberish...
Ekan Learns To Sing...
My Photoblog

You can click on any of them and find out.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for the mention on your blog. I appreciate it! And congrats on the award.

I am sitting here,looking out my office window at the dismal gray sky and the wonderful shades of greens, reds, oranges and purples on the various trees in the woods across the road and wondering if you experience fall folliage where you live?

Please forgive me if I'm not online much or visiting blogs much over the next several months. I will try to keep in touch when I can, so thanks again!
Betty Manousos said…
Oh my, YOU are so sweet and awesome!!!
Thank you, thank you so much for your sweet words. You made me so happy:)
And congrats on your award. You do deserve it.
You are so talented!!!
dannyd said…
Thank you so much, Ekan!!! This is my first award, and you don't know how much this means to me!

I hope that my posts aren't too dry, but technology is kind of hard to really spice up, lol!

You are very talented, and I am highly honored by this! :D
vodkamom said…
you are a doll, and I am humbled and honored!!

Thank you so much for thinking of me :-)

now, where's my drink???
Anonymous said…
I want to congratulate you for your first and very awesome award. You definitely deserve it! Thank you for stopping by today and leaving me a gift of your lovely, encouraging feedback. Many hugs and thanks for selecting me for this award! I am very appreciative, dahling :)
Fireblossom said…
Congratulations, sir! And thank you so kindly for passing this lovely award on to me, and for calling me a "word-sculptor." I like that!
♥ Braja said…
Brian and Vodkamom are two of my blogging buddies; easy to see why you send awards their way...
Brian Miller said…
thanks so much for the award as well as the warm comments...i am honored...and i am among others i respect and admire...brajas pretty cool too...smiles.
Claudya Martinez said…
Congratulations! I'm sure it is the first of many.
Anonymous said…
You're quite entitled to blow your own trumpet! Well done on your award - and thankyou also for thinking of me when dishing out the mentions. :)
Gloria said…
Congrats E on your award. You very well deserve it. Thanks also for your very kind comments about my blog I'm truly touched and very proudly accept the award and will post it on my blog.

A big Mwah to you E!!!
OH so fun! Did Steven give you the trophy that goes along with that award?

He didn't? I think you need to speak with him in private about this matter.

Thank you so much for the award .... but more so for the kind kind words you wrote about me up there. And for being FIRST!! Even though you said' random order"

I know the truth Ekan. I know the truth.
We don't need to hide it. :)

thanks so much.
i love that you love my blog and in return I return the love sincerely
Kaiserin Sisi said…
Congrats on your award, you deserve it !!!

And again, thank you for giving me my 1st award :-) Certainly made my day. Take care.
Nikita A said…
Thank you so very much and I deeply apologize for the belated response... There's been no internet connection at home and I am here at a friend's place checking this post out.

Its really wonderful that out of the 50+ blogs that you follow, you thought mine was worthy enough of being mentioned in the 15 that you hand picked! Thank you once again for that.

I know I have to reciprocate, but I have my exams coming up in a few days and have put off blogging until then. But will definitely do what the rules say once they're over :)

Hope you are doing well and have gotten rid of the pox! ;)

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