See you soon

I never thought Chickenpox was this bad. I'm having blisters even in my throat and that makes it too difficult to swallow... let alone anything solid, not even my own saliva. And there's this almost killing back pain and an altogether funny pain in my tummy that makes it almost impossible for me to sit upright and do just anything. The doctor has asked me to get hospitalised 'coz that way they can get some food in me through tubes and stuff. Ah! I think I'm gon'a get a hundred things to talk about in my blog. So, dear friends, I bid you all a goodbye till I'm back. I'll miss you all...


Anonymous said…
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I will miss our daily visits:(
Please take care of yourself my friend, we will all be waiting for your return..

4evernite said…
Take care of yourself. Looking forward to your return.
So sorry to hear you're sick. I do hope and pray you will be well soon!
Jo said…
Awww, sweetie! What will we do without you????

Honey, hurry back and for Pete's sake, get better!

Damn that Pete all to hell I say!

Do what you gotta do to get better--we'll all miss you....hurry back.

In our thoughts....

Peace, love, happiness AND good health,
"Diary Of A Sad Housewife"
Kaiserin Sisi said…
Take care my friend! Get well soon. We'll miss you :-)
om goodness... be well ekan...

i've heard it 's terrible as an adult..

thinking of you ..
Betty Manousos said…
So sorry.Take care of youself.
Hurry back ,Ekan.
dannyd said…
Bummer! I remember the chickenpox well, and I hated it. :(

Get well soon!
Sending you positive thoughts for a quick recovery.
AmyK said…
I was afraid it was going to get worse for you. I'm so sorry that happened. Take care after you fell better too. It will take a long while for you to get your full strength back. Get plenty of rest. We'll be here waiting.
Charlotte said…
Oh no the first I visit your blog and you are sick. Please feel better soon!
MostlyFlumxdArt said…
So sorry to hear you are suffering with chicken pox. I distinctly remember having them as a child and how awful I felt! Get better soon.
Elenka said…
Hope you feel better very soon....I know you will. Chicken Pox goes away, doesn't it?
Anonymous said…
I just finally had a chance to play catch up with all that I've missed recently, so was very surprised to read your post about being hospitalized. You should be on the mend soon!! I guess one is never too old for chicken pox!
Brian Miller said…
wow man. sorry to hear it took a turn for the worse. hope you are feeling better by now...look forward to you being back soon!
Lisa said…
Hi. Hope you are better. Chickenpox is bad and there is not much you can do but to go through it. The hospital may help you feel a bit more comfortable and make it slightly easier.
Yes, chicken pox is bad and worse in adults than children, I just found you and I'm sending tons of healing thoughts.

much love
Anonymous said…
Been gone a long time now. I hope you're on the mend. :)

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