Surviving on a daily dose of ABBA

Life's getting difficult. Can't complain though. There's a real stress on the work front and that too for the most ridiculous reasons. Can't understand people taking on personalities in an official atmosphere. You can always say that someone didn't do his/her job to the level of satisfaction expected of him/her. But to call names? Now, that is thoroughly unprofessional, isn't it? And the only thing that keeps me sane is ABBA. They, I believe, are good company for a stressed out soul like me.

The good old peppy numbers like "Mama Mia...", "Money, Money, Money...", "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme..." keeps me not just sane but happy too. These are times when I realise the importance of music and pets in one's life. If not for Tash (my cute little she pup) and the songs that I keep listening to day in and day out, I wouldn't have been sitting here and keying in the words in this post but would have been in some mental asylum. And who else than my Dad for me to thank for my taste in music! "Thank you Dad" (if you can ever hear me say it!).

It was him who first made me listen to the ever green classics of Jim Reeves, Carpenters, BONYM etc. But a special thanks to ABBA for keeping me sane in this mad, mad world! "Thank you for the music..."

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